
User Settings

Respectful Time Tracker allows users to customize their experience with various settings. These settings can be accessed through the user's profile menu.

Profile Settings

  • **Name:** Update your displayed name.
  • **Email:** Update your email address. Note that this may require email verification.
  • **Job Title:** Update your job title.
  • **Department:** Update your department.
  • **Time Zone:** Set your preferred time zone. This will affect how times are displayed in the application.

Notification Settings

Control how and when you receive notifications from Respectful Time Tracker.

  • **Email Notifications:** Enable or disable email notifications for various events.
  • **In-App Notifications:** Enable or disable in-app notifications.
  • **Mobile App Notifications (Future Enhancement):** Enable or disable mobile app notifications.

Notification Events

Choose which events trigger notifications.

  • **Employee Clock In/Out:** Receive notifications when employees clock in or out.
  • **Overtime Alert:** Receive alerts when employees exceed their overtime threshold.
  • **Time Off Request:** Receive notifications when employees submit time off requests.

UI Preferences

Customize the appearance of the application.

  • **Theme:** Choose between light and dark mode, or let the app follow your system settings.
  • **Compact View:** Enable a more compact view of the interface.

Manager Settings

In addition to the user settings, managers have access to additional settings for team management, reporting, and approvals.

Team Management Settings

  • **Default Work Hours:** Set the default work hours per day for your team.
  • **Overtime Threshold:** Define the number of hours per week that triggers overtime alerts.
  • **Break Duration:** Set the default break duration for your team.
  • **Maximum Weekly Hours:** Set the maximum number of hours employees can work in a week.
  • **Minimum Break Time:** Set the minimum break time required for employees.

Reporting Preferences

Customize the reports you receive and their frequency.

  • **Weekly Report:** Enable or disable weekly reports.
  • **Monthly Report:** Enable or disable monthly reports.
  • **Custom Report Period:** Define a custom reporting period (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly).
  • **Include Overtime Data:** Include overtime data in reports.
  • **Include Break Data:** Include break data in reports.

Approval Thresholds

Set thresholds for automatic approvals of overtime and time off requests.

  • **Overtime Hours:** Set the maximum number of overtime hours that can be automatically approved.
  • **Time Off Days:** Set the maximum number of time off days that can be automatically approved.